The Freezing Technology Removes Stubborn Fats Permanently

Freezing can actually help you slim down. Research suggests that the colder your body gets, the more it works to heat it up. So that extra effort helps burn off unwanted calories in the body.

Behind freezing fats – the technology and science behind

Fat cells come in a variety that comes in colors. White fats stocks fat in order to keep the body energized. It is the most abundant fat found in the body. Brown fats burn off calories to create heat and help make the body’s temperature stable, The freezing technology specifically targets brown fats.

Sculpting the body by freezing

Entrepreneurs were excited about the idea and went on promoting weight loss through freezing. Coolsculpting clinics like those established in coolsculpting Las Vegas had been established. Anyone who had problems with fats can actually have their fats frozen through cryolipolysis. This is a procedure done by a medical professional to permanently freeze fats and let metabolism do its job of flushing it out of the system.

The procedure had been approved by the FDA in the year 2010. The whole process is done with the aid of a device to help cool and freeze fats to about 40 degrees. The procedure which had been promoted as coolsculpting may cost around $750 to $1500. The price depends on the area of fat that you want to target and the number of sessions required to do so.

DIY fat freezing options

winter sportsWith this idea in mind, many DIY enthusiasts have come up with the idea of creating a fat freezing wrap. It is basically wrapping a huge ice pack on your waist, arms, or legs. Wherever the target area is.

However note that Dr. Philip Kern, an endocrinologist who studied the impacts of exposure to cold on fat, said there continues to be plenty of studies to be carried out on the impacts of cold.

“It’s possible that different areas of our body respond differently to cold,”

So practically, if anyone really wants to use the effectiveness of the freezing technique to stay lean on winter season, there are many approaches to get it done compared to purchasing a vest bundled with ice or simply creating a waste freezing wrap. Skiing and skating could be a good alternative.