What’s happening when you buy Twitter followers and tweets?

Technology is booming and so is social media. Technology has become a multipurpose tool that people take advantage of. Many businesses are riding on the train to social media success. But while many businesses had been honestly successful with social media reaping rewards through increased sales and income, many businesses are trying to imitate this success by buying twitter retweets.

The question is – how will these fake twitter followers and retweets benefit me and my business?

For one thing, when you buy Twitter retweets and tweets, you are establishing a first good profile impression which encourages real followers into your account.

What’s happening when you buy Twitter followers and tweets?

Twitter has already reported their big problem related to fake accounts. In fact, there are more and more businesses selling fake accounts to boost Twitter followers.

So what happens when you break twitter’s terms and go ahead and buy Twitter retweets and Twitter followers? We have gathered answers from those who have already bought this type of service. They said nothing much happens.

Are these fake accounts real people? We looked closely at politicians who have 8.5M followers and above. We’ve seen lots of egg accounts, meaning accounts with the egg icon, no profile image in place, and if there’s one that has a profile image, it has zero info on its profile. So we have concluded that these accounts are automatically generated by bots.

How to determine fake accounts from real accounts?

Let’s twitter bot detection. Type it in google and you will get results for Twitter audit. Enter the twitter name into the search bar and you will get the percentage of real accounts and the total number of real and fake accounts.

The twitter audit makes use of 5000 sample followers and calculates each score of each follower. The score is based on the number of tweets, the date of the last tweet and ratio of followers to friends.

Now that you know how these twitter followers work, are you still interested to buy Twitter followers? For real?